• The teacher education student is in the third year of a Bachelor of Education degree.
  • The teacher education student is completing his first teaching placement.
  • This school is a medium size comprehensive and academically selective secondary school in a suburban region.
  • This Year 9 English lesson focuses on preparation of speeches, which students will be giving in class the following week.
  • The students have just been working on the introductions/bodies of their speeches and in this video the teacher education student explains that the next task is to give peer feedback on the speeches.

Demonstrate understanding of assessment strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches, to assess student learning.


The teacher education student demonstrates 5.1.1 ‘Working towards graduate’ through:

  • Trialling a useful assessment preparation strategy (peer feedback giving) in order to help Year 9 English students prepare for a summative assessment (giving speeches) the following week.
  • Emphasising the underlying approach to peer feedback; that feedback should be positive and constructive to build confidence and that it is highly valuable as preparation for the assessment.

The students have difficulty completing the activity, partly due to a lack of preparation of their speeches and partly due to a lack of clear directions about the specific feedback questions from the teacher. However, in designing this task, the teacher shows good application of assessment theory, particularly an ‘Assessment for Learning’ approach and the students would have developed some awareness of how they will be assessed.

G: The goal for this teacher education student is 5.1.1.

R: The teacher education student is working towards 5.1.1 at graduate level.

O: What specific mentoring strategies could you employ with this teacher education student to help him move towards ‘Graduate achieved’ for 5.1.1?

W: What is the next step you would negotiate as a goal for this teacher education student? What will you do as a Mentor to help him achieve this goal?

G: To demonstrate understanding of assessment strategies, including informal and formal diagnostic, formative and summative approaches to assess student learning and to move up on the 5.1.1 graduate continuum.

R: Which level of the graduate continuum are you currently at for 5.1.1? Refer to recent feedback you have received.

O: What specific actions could you take to improve your understanding and use of assessment strategies to assess student learning?

  • Could you design and trial diagnostic assessments to inform your understanding of students’ learning?
  • Could you design and trial formative assessments such as quizzes, informal tasks or observations to monitor student learning?
  • Could you design and trial self- or peer-editing checklists to enhance students’ understanding of how they will be assessed?
  • Could you contribute to the design of summative assessment tasks to assess student learning at the end of a unit of study?
  • Could you consult anyone at your school for advice on assessment design?

W: What is your next step in improving your understanding and use of assessment strategies to assess student learning? Try to formulate a specific goal.

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