• The teacher education student is discussing her understanding of a range of strategies for reporting to students and parents/carers as well as outlining the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of student achievements.
  • The teacher education student is attending her first placement in the second year of her teaching degree.
  • This school is a large primary school (n=805) in a suburban area.
  • This resource is an example of a useful activity for teacher education students since it allows students to explain their understanding of reporting on student achievements.

Demonstrate understanding of a range of strategies for reporting to students and parents/carers, and the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of student achievement.


The teacher education student demonstrates 5.5.1 ‘Graduate achieved’ through:

  • Demonstrating an effective approach to collecting, organising and storing assessment data consistent with school policies and procedures.
  • Discussing the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of student achievements.

G: The goal for the teacher education student is 5.5.1.

R: The teacher education student is ‘Graduate achieved’ for 5.5.1.

O: What specific mentoring strategies could you employ with this teacher education student to help her move towards ‘Graduate exceeds’ for 5.5.1?

  • Does the teacher education student have opportunities to report clearly, accurately and respectfully to students and parents/carers about student achievements, making use of accurate and reliable records?

W: What is the next step you would negotiate as a goal for her? What will you do as a Mentor to help her achieve this goal?

G: To demonstrate understanding of a range of strategies for reporting to students and parent/carers and of the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of student achievements.

R: Which level of the graduate continuum are you currently at for 5.5.1? Refer to recent feedback you have received.

O: What specific actions could you take to demonstrate understanding of a range of strategies for reporting to students and parent/carers as well as to demonstrate understanding of the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of student achievements?

  • What different methods could you use to record evidence of student assessment?
  • How could you assist in reporting to parents/carers about student achievements?
  • Share your ideas with your Mentor about the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable student achievement records.

W: What is your next step for improving your understanding of a range of strategies for reporting to students and parent/carers as well as for improving your understanding of the purpose of reliable records?

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