• The teacher education student is discussing her understanding of assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning.
  • The teacher education student is attending her first placement in the second year of her teaching degree.
  • This school is a large primary school (n=805) in a suburban area.
  • This resource is an example of a useful activity for teacher education students since it allows students to discuss their understanding of assessment moderation with their Mentor.

Demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning.


The teacher education student demonstrates 5.3.1 ‘Graduate achieved’ through:

  • An understanding of the process of moderation and the principle of ensuring consistent teacher judgement.
  • Using student work samples and showing assessment feedback that demonstrates the school policy for the moderation of assessment activities.

G: The goal for the teacher education student is 5.3.1.

R: The teacher education student is ‘Graduate achieved’ for 5.3.1.

O: What specific mentoring strategies could you employ with this teacher education student to help her move towards ‘Graduate exceeds’ for 5.3.1?

  • Does the teacher education student have opportunities to produce assessment plans, tasks, marking criteria and marking rubrics?

W: What is the next step you would negotiate as a goal for her? What will you do as a Mentor to help her achieve this goal?

G: To demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning.

R: Which level of the graduate continuum are you currently at for 5.3.1? Refer to recent feedback you have received.

O: What specific actions could you take to demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning?

  • What student work samples are available to practise assessment moderation?
  • Share with your Mentor ideas for student learning based on your judgement of student assessments.
  • Could you participate in consistent teacher judgement meetings at your school?
  • Could you ask for advice from colleagues to develop marking criteria and rubrics that demonstrate assessment moderation?

W: What is your next step for improving your understanding of assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning?

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