• The teacher education student is in the first year of a Master of Teaching  degree.
  • The teacher education student is completing her second teaching placement.
  • This school is a large, academically selective secondary school in an urban area.
  • This Year 9 English lesson sequence focuses on developing students’ understanding of Shakespeare’s play Macbeth.
  • The teacher education student asked students to write a paragraph (a formative assessment writing task) on the topic: “Macbeth’s ambition makes him willing to destroy himself and others. Discuss.”

Demonstrate the capacity to interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching practice.


The teacher education student demonstrates 5.4.1 ‘Graduate achieved’ through:

  • Analysing the students’ written paragraphs (see student work samples – the assessment data) and reflecting that the students need more help with paragraph structure.
  • Planning for the next lesson using the assessment data to incorporate an explicit focus on paragraph structure, analysis of a sample paragraph, and time for students to edit or rewrite their initial paragraphs.
  • Reflecting on the modified student work samples, in which students have shown significant improvement in paragraph structure.

G: The goal for this teacher education student is 5.4.1.

R: The teacher education student has satisfied 5.4.1 at graduate level.

O: What specific mentoring strategies could you employ with teacher education student to help her move towards ‘Graduate exceeds’ for 5.4.1?

W: What is the next step you would negotiate as a goal for this teacher education student? What will you do as a Mentor to help her achieve this goal?

G: To interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching practice and to move up on the 5.4.1 graduate continuum.

R: Which level of the graduate continuum are you currently at for 5.4.1? Refer to recent feedback you have received.

O: What specific actions could you take to improve your capacity to interpret student assessment data to evaluate learning and modify practice?

  • Could you analyse samples of student work and plan future activities in a similar way to the teacher in this resource?
  • Could you reflect on any other types of assessment data to inform your planning?
  • Could you use assessment rubrics and/or criteria to evaluate student learning and plan ahead?
  • Could you consult anyone at your school for advice on interpreting student assessment data?

W: What is your next step in improving your capacity to interpret student assessment data and subsequently modify your practice? Try to formulate a specific goal.

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